Ormskirk Market Day


Q&A Forum - Message Board


  • Would you like help with your family history?
  • Do you have information that might be of interest to others?
  • If so...


The Q&A message board is an open-access forum that may be used by ODFHS members and visitors to post questions regarding family history matters or to add content that may be of general interest.

Please follow the links below to:

View current topics    --- to see what others are talking about

Start a new topic    --- to submit your own query (Not currently available - please use the Contact page)

Comments and queries ("topics") will be moderated before publication. The moderators will try to respond to appropriate queries wherever possible, and the topics will be open to responses from others.

Don't forget to click on reCAPTCHA "I'm not a robot" before submitting (unless you actually are an evil spam robot).

To respond to any comment or query, click on the message and hit the "Reply" button.

Non-members/guests are welcome to use the forum without having to login (ignore username/password - leave blank).


Apologies - the Q&A system is currently undergoing some reconstruction and there may be occasional glitches. Please contact us directly if the above options don't work for you.


Message Board - AC test


Ormskirk Church
Ormskirk Parish

Ormskirk railwaymen 1908
Ormskirk Station

Scarisbrick Hall 1815
Scarisbrick Hall

Skelmersdale Station

Moor Street market
Moor Street